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Compton Bishop Parish

The villages of Cross, New Town, Rackley, Compton Bishop and Webbington

Nation Grid's Proposal for Pylons in our area- Hinkley Point to Avonmouth

Added on 04 April 2012

Updated 4th April 2012

The National Grid have submitted proposals for the connection of Hinkley Point Power Station to Seabank, Avonmouth. The proposed route for overhead cables and pylons would enter Compton Bishop Parish from the Somerset Levels and pass through the Lox Yeo Valley at Webbington.

Compton Bishop Parish Council, along with other Parishes and local groups, oppose the installation of overhead cables in areas with sensitive landscape issues.

Latest News : The Strategic community forum consultation has been halted because the pressure from councils and action groups have challenged Nation Grid's costing of alternatives, i.e. under ground and sub-sea. An independant report has just been released and was reviewed at the community forum's meeting on 28th February. The 300 page report can be viewed by clicking here. The Local Community Forums have begun and Parish Councils, on the route, have been invited to one of the groups - North, Mendip and South. Other interested parties may attend provided they are part of a formal group. The members defined all significant features on a map of the route which were thought to be sensitive nad should be protected. National Grid will collate all the information and distribute to members. Notes from this meeting will be posted here shortly.

A group of local Parish Councils (Allerton, Badgworth, Compton Bishop, Mark, Loxton and Winscombe & Sandford) have met to jointly review the consultations, discuss their common issues and agree the next steps for the benefit of our parishes.

Click here to see Compton Bishop Council's latest update summary and here for the previous
Click here for a link to National Grid's consultation web site.

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