Compton Bishop Parish Council
Compton Bishop Parish Council has 7 members who usually meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.30 pm in the Memorial Hall, Cross. Agendas for meetings are displayed on 4 parish council notice boards. They are governed by a legally binding Code of Conduct and have an annual budget of £14,500 but their powers are strictly limited.
The Council sets aside time at the start of every meeting for the public to speak and make their views known on any topic affecting the parish. Any resident wishing to raise matters with the Council should submit concerns or questions in writing to the Clerk 7 days prior to a Council meeting. if they require a considered answer from the Council at that meeting unless it is an emergency. Comments and information are forwarded on matters for which Government agencies, Somerset County or Sedgemoor District Council are responsible.
Parish funds are used to benefit everyone, among other ways by
- Supporting The Memorial Hall. Cross
- Contributing to the cost of publishing the "Contact" magazine, which provides a platform for news and views
- Supporting ongoing community projects and helping to maintain St. Andrew's churchyard, and other public areas
- Maintaining bus shelters and other public amenities.
A Village Design Statement, prepared by a team of volunteers under the guidance of Sedgemoor District Council's Development Control Department, has been adopted officially, so that its finding and guidelines are now used when deciding planning applications, on all of which your parish Council is consulted, and is able to put forward recommendations. The Village Design Statement in pdf. format can be downloaded here. The original document containing all the material used for compilation and exhibitions is a valuable source of history for our villages. This document has been split into three volumes, because of document size restrictions on this web site, and can be viewed by clicking on the links, below :
Volume 1- Introduction, the questionnaire, Sedgemoor DC Plans and Policies
Volume 2 - Background to our village character
Volume 3 - Survey Details and comments