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Compton Bishop Parish

The villages of Cross, New Town, Rackley, Compton Bishop and Webbington

School Admission Arrangements

Added on 30 December 2016

School Admission Arrangements

2018/19 Consultation

Have Your Say

School admissions arrangements for children who are due to start or transfer school for the 2018-19 school year, and those moving schools during the 2018-19 school year will be consulted on for a period of 6 weeks ending 31 January 2017.

This consultation applies to the admission arrangements for Somerset Local Authority and for those schools and academies who have contracted with the Local Authority to consult on their admission arrangements on their behalf.

This consultation period allows parents, other schools, religious authorities and the local community to raise any concerns about proposed admission arrangements.

To view the admission arrangements and for details of how to make comments, please contact (01823) 356146 or visit

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