Planning Applications
The Parish Council is required to comment on all Planning Applications, which have been submitted to Sedgemoor District Council, to ensure local planning policies are adhered to and the views of the community are represented. The Parish Council considers any comments on the details of the applications that Parishioners might raise.
The Council ensures that the policies defined in both the official Sedgemoor Core Strategy* and our own approved supplementary planning document, the Compton Bishop Village Design Statement* (pages 7 & 6) are adhered to when commenting on planning applications.
The full Council reviews recommendations from a Planning Liaison Advisor Group and decides its formal response. Applicants are welcome discuss their plans with the Planning Advisory group and also attend the council meeting when their application is to be discussed, please arrange this through the clerk.
A copy of the final public exhibition of the Village Design information papers, which contain some interesting and historical articles, can be viewed by clicking here.
The full application documentation can be viewed online at Sedgemoor District Council's Planning and Building site by clicking here and going to 'Planning and Building' and Planning Online and entering the application number. If you do not know the application number then select 'Compton Bishop', the relevant month and the year to display current applications.