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Compton Bishop Parish

The villages of Cross, New Town, Rackley, Compton Bishop and Webbington


Added on 07 July 2008
Many beautiful acres in this country are becoming unpleasant because of litter. It is estimated that 25 million tons of litter are dropped every year, predominantly food and drink packages.

Statistics for fly tipping is just as shocking. Local authorities dealt with 2.6 million incidents in England in 2006/7 with tax payers footing the clean up bill.

The Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) have launched a Stop the Drop Campaign to highlight how litter spoils the countryside. As they point out litter has no size limit; it can be as small as a sweet wrapper or as large as a bag full of rubbish left at the roadside or a beauty spot.

If you note any fly tipped rubbish in our parish please report it to Sedgemoor District Council on
01278 435435.

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