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Compton Bishop Parish

The villages of Cross, New Town, Rackley, Compton Bishop and Webbington

New Residents  -  A Welcome from the Parish Council Chairman    (February 2010)

With this beautiful part of Somerset as home we would like to assure you of a warm welcome. You may wish to find out what is going on locally and how you can contact the various groups already established. This website is here to help. Please explore it and please do look in the "Local Information" page for more details. Any councillor will be pleased to help if you find any difficulty and you will find their contact details on the "Members'" page.

Crook Peak Parish publishes a bi-monthly magazine entitled "Contact" and whilst the geographic area they cover is wider than that of the Parish Council, it provides good information on local activities. The intention is that every household should receive an issue every 2 months. So if one does not drop onto your doormat within a 3-month period please request one through either your Councillors, a Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator or a Churchwarden and they will ensure your house is added to the distribution list. All will be pleased to help and ensure you receive a regular copy. Within the parish of Crook Peak there are 6 delightful churches and you will find these are well worth exploring.

There are activities going on in addition to those you will find on the Local Organisation's page and details are frequently posted on Notice Boards around the Parish. One is located opposite the White Hart, another outside the Memorial Hall, one by the Coronation bus stop in Old Coach Road, with one at the end of Church Lane and another at Kennel Lane. You may wish to start something new and a range of facilities can be found. On the other hand if it is peace and quiet that you are seeking then that is all around in abundance.

The Parish Council meets monthly in Cross Memorial Hall on the second Wednesday of each month at 19.30 hours and residents are welcome. At the start of each meeting there is an opportunity for a resident to address the Parish Council and raise a matter with them.

We trust you will find our website beneficial in making you feel at home with access to information that will enable you to enjoy this area to the full. I shall look forward to meeting you on some occasion.

Eddie Farley
Compton Bishop Parish Council
February 2010



New Residents might find it useful to read the Local Information Page


